New video checkout and interview with HUF flow rider Pat Moran on Transworld Skateboarding. Check it!

Age: 23
Home: San Francisco
Sponsors: Think (flow), HUF (flow), SML wheels (flow), Mission skateshop
Am who should be pro: Brad Cromer.
Local shop that hooked you up: BoardSports in Eugene, Oregon.
Best style: Wes Kremer and Marc Johnson.
Video part that get’s you ready to skate: Jake Johnson in Mind Field.
New music in your iPod: Ty Segall and Spice One.
Dream sponsor: Deschutes Brewery.
Celebrity crush: Penelope Cruz.
Last lesson learned: There is such a thing as too much coffee.

I skate with Pat almost every day I’m home and he’s always killing it so hard. No cameras in sight, this dude will be skating at 110-percent—definition of a soul skater and loving every minute of it. I’m so stoked he’s getting “Checked Out!”
Josh Matthews