HUF POP-UP SHOP | HUF has launched a new pop-up shop over at Hall of Fame, reappropriating the space to take on the aesthetic of a ghetto liquor store. The project emphasizes a REMIO VTS installation along the stairwell wall, a surveillance camera centerpiece, a malt liquor 40oz bottle display, a HUF Plantlife Sock Vending Machine, and an interactive HUF mirror. The centerpiece features 20 motion-activated surveillance cameras triggered to follow customers as they peruse the store, while approximately 150 malt liquor 40oz bottles have been relabeled by HUF and interspersed amongst product shelved along the backlit display case. On the side wall, HUF has repurposed a giant shop mirror into an interactive cigarette-ad-inspired installation, while the far wall boasts found, blown-up surveillance video grabs from a liquor store robbery. To top it off, the entrance to the pop-up shop houses a HUF Plantlife Sock Vending Machine. The REMIO VTS installation hints at an upcoming HUF x REMIO collaboration project, which can be expected to release among many other exclusive in-store drops over the two month period of the pop-up.

HUF Pop-Up Shop @ Hall of Fame // 449 N. Fairfax Ave. // Los Angeles // CA // 90036
