ESPN recently ran an interview with HUF team rider ">Dan Plunkett. Check it out below, or click here for the full feature.

"Buffalo New York's Dan Plunkett has been all over the place the past few years. Riding for Skate Mental, Huf, Spitfire and Thunder, Plunkett has been on tear and well on his way to pro status. Now residing in Atlanta and holding it down with the likes of Grant Taylor, Justin Brock and the rest, Plunkett is handling business."

What's going on Dan?
Ah not much just skating uphill from the park right now headed home.

What's new at Skate Mental?
Right now, we are kind of working on a video as far as I know. Hopefully in six months a video will be coming out. I hope it's a DVD. I'm sick of watching stuff on the Internet. Dennis Durrant is on the team; he's sick and that's new I suppose.

How about a Huf shoes video?
I don't know, but I would be stoked on that if there is. Hopefully soon that would be sick.

Have you ever met another Plunkett you are not related to?
Actually I did. Last time I was in Buffalo I saw a girl with a jersey on and she had Plunkett on the back but she only had one T. That's still counts in my book. She was the only other non-related Plunkett I have ever met. I think I weirded her out because I wanted to take photos with her in her jersey but I just couldn't believe it. The only thing that I know of is far off but I'm distantly related to the old Raiders player, Jim Plunkett from back in the day. But you never know, dad might have lied to me. you never know about stuff like that.

Do you have any nicknames you want to touch on?
Ah, yeah. "Daddy Shecks." It's f**ked up, Mike. A couple of years ago at Tampa Am, we were partying and someone walked in and asked if we had seen Ryan Sheckler. Somehow, I ended up becoming "Daddy Shecks" after that.

Is there a Plunkett pro model in the works or what?
Maybe, hopefully one day. I don't want to get surprised on video like everyone else but Id be stoked if the day ever came.

What part of Atlanta are you living in right now?
I live in the old Fourth Ward. It's five minutes to skate to downtown and five minutes to the new skatepark and five minutes to Stratosphere skateshop. I have to skate everywhere since I don't have a car. I've got to stay centrally located in Atlanta.

Any plans to ever move out west? If so where do you see yourself living out there?
I thought about it but I like visiting more than living there. I love it in Atlanta; we've got a good crew here. I can do out west for a month at the time. Maybe, I could change my mind and end up in San Francisco; who knows.

Who's Atlanta's underground ripper right now?
Kevin Radley. Not too many people know about him. He's sick. Zeke, Colt Frazier, Blake Lee, Chris Burner and Santi ... a bunch of homies. Thats all the dudes I can think of on the spot and a couple of young kids, too.

Who are some Atlanta legends?
That's a long list. Stormy Pruitt, Jeremiah Babb, Thomas Taylor, Graham Bicketstaff, Jay Buck, Chris Head, Mike Devine, The list is endless, but for sure Thomas Taylor. He has been running Stratosphere for 25 years. On Wednesday all the old guys come out to the park. Its sick. They call it "Skate Wednesdays." Atlanta legends everywhere on Skate Wednesdays.

You ever been in a tornado?
Yeah, definitely. I didn't realize it until I was in it though. I had no idea it was coming and I was on the 14th floor of a building at a party. The tornado messed up a lot of stuff around here but I somehow made it through.